I had the honor and pleasure of being on of the speakers at Hawaii Social Media Summit.
I also heard Yan Budman, Director of Marketing of Indiegogo, speak about Hacking Crowdfunding. According to Google, Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet. Indiegogo is one of the leaders in this industry alongside Kickstarter.
Here are my notes from his talk:
Crowdfunding is shared enthusiasm with a global audience.
Give people an opportunity to share in the enthusiasm
This is an amazing thing for us to have
This is how you can contribute
Pitch video
Free promition and market research
multi-level engagement
custom experiences
custom communication
Identify Social Media Influencers
Amplify Existing Marketing Initiatives
Crafting an Awesome Campaign
Asking for more money can work against you
Green bar effect
30% funded is the social proof necessary to
87% of campaigns that hit their goal, exceed it.
Break it up in to different campaigns.
Keys to successful video
Campaigns with a video raise 114% more than those without.
Make people feel something. Evoke an emotion
Length of campaign
Sweet spot is 30-40 days
Keep them engaged
Be consistent
Have a team
Campaigns with 4 or more people raise 138% more
Social Media manager
Editing the pitch
Overall marketing
PR person
Listening and engaging
Crowdfunding perks
Participation and pride
What can a perk be
an experience
virtual high 5
tweet at you a thank you
a digital good
a physical object
anything you can (legally) imagine
Perk Pricing Strategy
$25 (most contributed)
$100 (raises the most money)
$1000 (create something that becomes a discussion PR point)
Running and Promoting a Campaign
Building the initial momentum with provide you with additional exposure
expect to raise 20-30% from friends and family
Create an action team
Develop a communications calendar
Email to network with personal email
I’m inviting you to be part of our action committee
You’re going to contribute on day 1
You’re going to tweet and facebook
Want to be in, if not, that’s totally cool
Soft launch
with the small action team first so that when media get there it looks good
Engage with the community
Two-way communication
Release new perks
62% of campaigns that reach their goal have multiple funders
Send updates every 2-3 days
Raises 2x times $ vs sending 2-3 total
Provide the latest information/updates
Fulfill on claimed perks
Up-sell / cross-sell